All materials within these Web pages are copyrighted.

© ACCS - All rights reserved.

ACCS is glad to grant permission to use or reprint copyrighted materials. In some cases, a fee may be charged. However, before you use any or any part of these materials, you must obtain the necessary permissions.

The procedure for requesting permission to use or reprint materials isn't cumbersome (see below), and ACCS will make every effort to respond in a manner that is timely and accommodating of special circumstances. Still, to plan ahead and avoid last-minute emergencies that it might not be possible to accommodate, allow approximately 15 working days for processing of mail requests, and 10 working days for processing E-mail or FAX requests.


Send your request by mail, FAX, or e-mail, to:

Peter Ashford
Ashford Computer Consulting Service
P.O. Box 910845
San Diego, CA 92191

Phone/FAX: (858) 689-ACCS



  1. The name, title, phone number, FAX number and E-mail address of the person placing the request.
  2. The name, URL and description of the company to use ACCS' web page.
  3. The URL of the web page to be used.
  4. Title and description of product to include ACCS' web page.
  5. The type of publication in which the ACCS material will appear, e.g. book, periodical, handout, diskette, electronic program (software), List Serve posting, newsgroup posting, ftp site, Web site, corporate intranet.
  6. URL and/or publisher, as appropriate.
  7. If published, the estimated number of copies to be printed or produced (if intranet, number of users).
  8. Whether the copies will be sold or free and if sold, give the price (if copies are free to attendees of a program, give the cost of the program).
  9. The date(s) the material will be distributed.
  10. Any other information that you feel may be appropriate.

Please note that failure to provide requested information may cause a significant delay.


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